Oxford Guide to Effective Writing and Speaking

J Seely, Oxford University Press, 2013, 3rd edn, 400pp, £14.99 (pbk), ISBN 978 0 19965 270 9

Reviewed by Michèle Clarke

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The publication is now in its third edition. I found the first edition (reviewed in the SfEP's newsletter in January 2001) a really useful book as I was doing a lot of chairing and writing reports back then. This new edition focuses on the use of digital media (for obvious reasons nowadays), so there are new thoughts on e-writing, research and presentation. There are some interesting 'you try' boxes with answers (some subjective!).

Personally, I am sure this book really helped me not to have a heart attack when speaking publicly, and I now feel fairly secure in presenting myself in front of a hall of people. 

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