North Wales

Page owner: Community director

North WalesLooking for a local SfEP group in North Wales?

All members of the SfEP are welcome at any local group meeting. Non-members can attend up to three meetings before joining the SfEP. Click on a group's link to find out more about its activities and how to join in.

Postcodes covered by this region


Active local groups in this region

  • none

The North West Wales local group is currently inactive and needs a new coordinator. If you're interested in coordinating this local group, contact the community director.

Would you like to join a local online forum?

Even if you don't live near to where a local group meets, you can join its forum. If you're unable to attend a local group meeting regularly, joining a local forum can help you stay in touch.

View and join forum groups

Looking for SfEP members in your region?

There may be other members in your area; to find out, you can look at our membership map (members only).

Membership map

If you'd like to contact SfEP members in your area with the aim of forming a group and/or setting up a forum, contact the community director for details of how to get in touch.